Are live Tarot readings really better than pre-prepared ones?

The short answer? No.

There is a common misconception that pre-prepared readings, whether that is a written document, audio recording or pre-recorded video, are inferior to face-to-face readings. There are many benefits to getting a live tarot reading (either in a physical setting or over video call), but there are also many benefits of receiving a pre-prepared reading too. Neither is better than the other. They’re just different. Read about the benefits of each below.


- Pippa, United Kingdom (@tarotbypippa)

Live ReadingS

This reading can be an open-dialogue between you and the reader. Your tarot reader can ask you questions, and with those answers, draw some conclusions that form the foundation of your reading. If they’re seeing a father figure in your reading, there’s no wondering whether he’s your father, grandfather, step-father, uncle or old family friend who was more of a father to you than your own father ever could be. They can ask.

This also allows you, as the client, to ask questions as the reading evolves. If the reader says something which generates further questions for you, you can ask those questions of the reader then and there.

There is also something to be said about making the commitment to show up for your reading. You are making a commitment to yourself, to whatever situation has brought you to the cards in the first place, to give it the time and attention it so deserves.

Pre-prepared ReadingS

There is something very special about providing a general topic, a single question or a brief outline of your circumstances (or even none of these at all), and then having someone who doesn’t know anything about you, pull some cards and tell you things, giving you insights that deeply resonate with your current circumstances.

Whether you are a sceptic about all things spiritual, or spiritual with a naturally sceptical brain, there is something exceptionally powerful in seeing or hearing what the cards have to say, without any input from you. There is a rawness to it. There is no walking away wondering whether the fact you said ‘this’ lead to the tarot reader drawing their conclusions about the cards pulled.

That’s not to say that there is no opportunity for dialogue. After receiving a pre-recorded reading, you are welcome to come back with questions about what you’ve received. This is great if you are someone who doesn’t do well on the spot or under pressure, because you can sit with your reading for as long as you’d like, perhaps even revisit it, before asking any questions.

Speaking of revisiting your reading, this is another benefit of a pre-prepared reading! It’s there forever, for you to read/listen/watch again and again, allowing you to get the most out of the reading. You’re not trying to remember what the tarot reader said, because you can just refer back to the reading!

Not sure which format is the best fit for you?

  • Ideal for: Skeptics, Tarot Newbies, Visual Learners, Busy People, Bookworms

    Are you someone who learns best through reading? Do you find your brain absorbs things better when it can see it in black and white? Do you like to have a reference that you can read, and re-read, over and over again? Then this format would be a great fit for you.

    My written readings are detailed, in-depth, carefully considered and thoughtful. I will give you questions to consider and provide you with a structured breakdown of your reading, while keeping the tone conversational and personal. If you want a document that you can use as a reference, as a jumping off point for further exploration and introspection, this type of reading is the perfect fit.

    All reading services are available in PDF format. See your options here.

  • Ideal for: Skeptics, Tarot Newbies, Auditory Learners, Busy People, Podcast & Audiobook Lovers

    Reading (as in, reading the written word, not the tarot kind, hehe) isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s totally fine! With an audio recording, you can listen in your own time, at your own leisure. You will have an image of the cards so that you can see every detail of the cards I’m referring to.

    The great thing about an audio recording is that you can download the file and listen to it as many times as you’d like! You can play it again and again, and take notes if that’s your thing. In my experience, clients rarely listen to a reading only once. Plus, note-taking can be a wonderful way to really process the message, and be a jumping off point for journalling.

    Audio readings are recorded in real time, so this can feel like a live reading in many ways, without the conversation, but then that means that every single minute of your reading is devoted to insights from the cards. I welcome questions after I’ve delivered your reading, so you can still ask those questions anyway. In fact, if you’re someone who likes to spend some time thinking about something, processing it, before you ask questions, and if you’re someone who likes to ‘mull things over’, having time to think about what questions might come up for you within the context of the reading can actually be really, really useful. If a question comes up a few days later, or maybe it’s a week later after you’ve listened a couple of times, then you can raise this with me.

    All reading services are available as audio recordings. See your options here.

  • Ideal for: Busy people, anxiety sufferers, audio-visual learners, independent thinkers, introverts

    Love the idea of a live reading but you have a busy schedule and can’t commit time to an appointment? Or perhaps the idea of a video call fills you with anxiety and dread? No judgement whatever the reasons are, I’ve certainly been there, but sometimes a live reading just isn’t a good fit. And yet, despite that, we can still yearn for that feeling of a live reading, to feel like we’re sitting down in-person, in front of our tarot reader. If this sounds like you, a pre-recorded video would be my recommendation.

    In comparison to the time commitment of a live reading, a pre-recorded video can be watched at your leisure, at a time that suits you, on a device that is convenient to you. You don’t have to show up anywhere, you don’t have to make any time in your schedule. You can pause the video part-way through and come back to it at a later time. You can re-watch the video as many times as you’d like, and perhaps each time you’ll gain something new - it’s certainly something a lot of my clients have told me.

    Just like an audio reading, you have the opportunity to ask me any questions following the reading that come up for you. If you’re someone who prefers to think about things, mull them over, before coming up with questions, not having the pressure of being face-to-face and the benefit of time, can allow for really powerful questions (and therefore really powerful answers) to come through.

    All reading services are available as a pre-recorded video. See your options here.

  • Ideal for: Collaborators, discussion-based learners, extroverts, very complex situations

    Are you someone who works better when they can talk things through with someone else? Are you a collaborator, a talker? Are you someone who likes to ask a lot of questions, is that the way you process information best? Likewise, are you someone who best processes information in the moment, requiring immediate answers to your questions to get the insight you need? Perhaps you’ve got a really complex situation that you want to consult the cards on, and no matter how hard you try, you just can’t find a way to sum it up when you’re writing it down.

    If this sounds like you, then a virtual 1-1 reading could be the best approach for you. My virtual readings are 1hr 20min slots, specifically allowing appropriate time for discussion. Perhaps there’s a lot to discuss upfront. Maybe your situation is so complex you need some time to talk through what you’re hoping to gain from the experience. It’s also possible that your reading brings up some things for you that you’d like to open up about after the cards have been pulled, so that we can discuss it in the context of the cards. Or maybe you just want the space to ask lots of questions about the cards we’re pulling for you. This is your time, this is your space. In a virtual reading, we are holding space for the circumstances that have led you to seek a reading, we are devoting time and attention to it. There can be something really special about that.

    Virtual 1-1 readings are subject to availability. Book now to avoid disappointment.