
  • In accordance with the Law in several countries, I have to point out that all Tarot readings given are for entertainment purposes only and no absolute guarantee can be given for the accuracy of readings.

  • Any guidance contained in a reading is based on my own personal intuitive interpretation of the cards drawn. I am not qualified to give Legal, Financial or Medical advice, or any advice that would require expertise beyond that of the tarot cards and their meanings. If you are seriously worried about any circumstances of a legal, financial or medical nature, then please, please seek advice from a qualified professional in that area.

  • All my readings are completely Private and Confidential. I will not share your reading or question (or any other information you have provided me with) with any third party.

  • All readings are non-refundable after purchase. However, in the unlikely event that your reading is cancelled by myself, the reader, after payment has been rendered, then a full refund will be given.

  • My readings are constructive, thought provoking and hopefully provide insight to empower the Querent. However, the Querent has Free Will and therefore no guidance contained in my readings should be taken as an instruction to force you into a decision you are not happy to make yourself.

  • The Querent accepts any and all responsibility for decisions made and actions taken after a reading has been conducted, and for the outcomes of those decisions and actions.

  • I reserve the right to refuse any reading request.

  • To use the services offered on this site, you must be over 18 years of age. By purchasing a reading on this site, you are confirming that you are over the age of 18.

  • To ensure appropriate boundaries between myself, the tarot reader, and the Querent, I cannot contribute to donation campaigns initiated by, affiliated with or promoted by the Querent.

  • To retain the integrity of www.queenofarcana.com and associated social media accounts, I cannot conduct promotion of projects, products or campaigns initiated by, affiliated with or promoted by the Querent.

  • By paying for any service through this website, you have confirmed that you have read and accepted the above.

If you have any questions regarding this disclaimer, please contact me at info@queenofarcana.com.

What I will And will not read on.

  • I do not read on questions of a legal, medical or financial nature. Please direct these questions to a professional in these respective fields.

  • I do not conduct ‘spying’ readings. i.e. I will not read for you, the querent, about a third party (e.g. spouse, friend, family member), when the reading request involves a topic that is not directly related to you.

    For example, I will not read on: ‘Is my ex seeing anyone new?’ I will read on: ‘What potential is there for a reunion with my ex and how might I approach doing so?’ I will not read on: ‘Is my daughter dating someone and hasn’t told me about it yet?’ I will read on: ‘I feel that my daughter doesn’t share things with me. What can I do to make her feel more comfortable opening up?’

  • I do not predict timing of events. In my experience reading tarot and receiving readings myself, I have found that timing predictions are rarely accurate. I believe that we all have Free Will and therefore, our actions determine how quickly/slowly something might manifest, if at all. Not to mention, the Free Will of others can also effect the timing of events. Furthermore, as a reader, I focus on what you can do in the present moment to help you create the future you want, and so providing a time of when something ‘will’ happen, in my opinion, can actually be counter-productive, because it implies we must wait for a time in the future in order to be happy. For this reason, I do not find it helpful to provide timing predictions.

  • I do not read on death

  • I do not predict pregnancy

Please contact me at info@queenofarcana.com or with a DM on Instagram, if you are unsure of whether your reading request meets this criteria.