
“I won a giveaway with nat last year and it’s one of the most in depth and amazing readings i’ve received. Parts of it are just unfurling now, but Nat saw it in the cards months ago.”

— Rachael, MoonHaus.Studio (@moonhaus.studio)
Creator of The Wandering Moon Tarot, The Wandering Soul Oracle and other beautiful tools for introspection and divination.

Decks Featured: The Wandering Moon Tarot & The Wandering Moon Tarot: Midnight Sky Edition

What People Are Saying

“I received The World reading from Natalie and I am so pleased. I had messaged Natalie prior to booking as I wasn’t sure which reading option to select. I told Natalie the areas I wanted to look at and she helped me with the type of reading to choose. The way in which Natalie delivered the reading through email was beautifully written and it has made me feel more empowered in my own future and the choices I make. I enjoyed how Natalie looked at similarities between different cards and how they spoke to one another, to which Natalie explained it in a way I could understand. Thank you.”

— Pippa, United kingdom

“The reading was so detailed and above all it was so accurate. I am blown away by how in depth it was. You explained everything; I need that. It was so in depth and you were wonderful about showing how each card helped answer my question. Keep doing it; you are the best reader I have ever had.”

— Rachel, United States

“This really resonates, thank you so much. You’ve really hit the nail on the head here. It’s reaffirmed some things that i’ve been thinking and given me some important things to reflect on. I love your writing style and tone, it felt so personal as though I was having a frank and friendly chat over a drink with a friend. Non-threatening and so personable. This has been really valuable and come at a very important time, so thank you, very very much! I really appreciate this.”

— Chloe-Jade, United Kingdom
Two For Joy Tarot

“Natalie, your reading is astonishing!! I loved the file deliverable and you fully got into my feelings. You are fantastic!”

— Ana, Brazil

While my question was very general, I was surprised that there were specific details that made me know that this reading was for me. I asked for clarification on a few things, and was promptly given it. It will take me some time to digest it all, but the reading was very specific to my thoughts and feelings when I wrote it question. My reading spoke directly to me. The way that the cards were explained, along with the visual of my reading, helped me to gain a better understanding. Natalie also writes very well. The reading was easy to follow and understand. Natalie went above and beyond. She promptly responded when I reached out for clarification. I actually like that she let the question remain more general to begin with, with the option for clarification. That gave me the confidence to believe that I hadn’t ‘influenced’ the reading in any way.”

— Nan, Canada

“You fully answered my question. Thank you! The reading gave me confirmation on what I kind of already knew. Everything you said in the reading made sense and are already things I’ve been working on. It was thorough and you can tell that you put time into the reading which I appreciate. I liked that you broke down each card to give me a better understanding of its meaning and how it applied to me.”

— Sharese, United States

“Thank you so much for doing my reading. I really appreciate the effort and time you took to intuitively connect and provide insights. It was interesting to see how the same message was consistently seen throughout the reading. I like the flow of your writing and also how the visuals were on every page – it was very easy to read and to understand (even for someone who does not fully understand the cards). I also liked how you were open to clarify anything you had written if your reader/client did not understand.”

— Tazneem

A huge thank you for this insightful reading, which answered my question in a thorough way. Thanks also for your incredible kindness, fun and above all the constant reminder that ultimately, whatever the readings may be, what matters is to make a decision according to my own intuition, values and journey.

— Christopher, France

“Queen of Arcana’s readings are always thoughtful, accurate and motivational. She allows you to see the higher perspective in things and provides you great guidance. thank you.”

Natalia, United Kingdom (@nwitzcrafts)

Thank you so much for my reading. I was completely overwhelmed by the level of detail that you went into. I was blown away by the effort that you went to.”

Emma, United Kingdom

“Natalie was amazing, thorough, honest, I would totally want to utilise her services again. I wasn’t told what I wanted to hear. the cards drawn were interpreted and well. the answers were pretty clear.”

— Candra, South Africa

“Thank you so much for the reading!! This is the best reading I have gotten!”

— Lost, United States

“Many thanks for my reading, it truly does make sense all of it. I valued that you, took the time to explain everything to me. Thank you very much Natalie for my reading. I appreciate everything.”

— Adrian, United Kingdom

“Dear Natalie, thanks for this reading, I really appreciate the effort you put in and the beautiful oracle deck you used along with the cards. I really enjoyed this reading and I think that I will follow your advice! Keep doing what you are doing…. I love your file and the way you put the images of the cards… thank you very much.”

— Roberta, Catalogna

“From the reading I got absolute accurate advice concerning my circumstance. Thank you so much, I really enjoyed my reading, understood everything perfectly and appreciate how much time, effort and detail went into this.”

— Suzanne, New Zealand