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This is a great ‘entry level’ reading, if you’re unsure of what to expect from me as a reader, if this is your first reading and you’re just dipping your toe in the world of tarot, or if you have a specific, targeted question. If you’re just curious to see what the cards have to say for you right now, this reading can give you some broader guidance.

Example Questions

  • I start a new job next week. What mindset should I be approaching it with?

  • How should I approach this date that I’m going on next week?

  • I don’t have a question, I’m just curious what I need to know right now?

This is a reading comprising of approximately 5 cards, a combination of both tarot and oracle. The decks used will be intuitively selected for your reading from my personal collection. The spread of cards will be chosen and intuitively customised to your question. More or less cards may be intuitively selected, as appropriate. A photo of the cards and a breakdown of their meaning within the context of your personal reading will be sent to you via email within three working days of purchase, in ONE of the following formats: written PDF document, audio recording, pre-recorded video.

Purchase Reading

This is a great ‘entry level’ reading, if you’re unsure of what to expect from me as a reader, if this is your first reading and you’re just dipping your toe in the world of tarot, or if you have a specific, targeted question. If you’re just curious to see what the cards have to say for you right now, this reading can give you some broader guidance.

Example Questions

  • I start a new job next week. What mindset should I be approaching it with?

  • How should I approach this date that I’m going on next week?

  • I don’t have a question, I’m just curious what I need to know right now?

This is a reading comprising of approximately 5 cards, a combination of both tarot and oracle. The decks used will be intuitively selected for your reading from my personal collection. The spread of cards will be chosen and intuitively customised to your question. More or less cards may be intuitively selected, as appropriate. A photo of the cards and a breakdown of their meaning within the context of your personal reading will be sent to you via email within three working days of purchase, in ONE of the following formats: written PDF document, audio recording, pre-recorded video.

This is a great ‘entry level’ reading, if you’re unsure of what to expect from me as a reader, if this is your first reading and you’re just dipping your toe in the world of tarot, or if you have a specific, targeted question. If you’re just curious to see what the cards have to say for you right now, this reading can give you some broader guidance.

Example Questions

  • I start a new job next week. What mindset should I be approaching it with?

  • How should I approach this date that I’m going on next week?

  • I don’t have a question, I’m just curious what I need to know right now?

This is a reading comprising of approximately 5 cards, a combination of both tarot and oracle. The decks used will be intuitively selected for your reading from my personal collection. The spread of cards will be chosen and intuitively customised to your question. More or less cards may be intuitively selected, as appropriate. A photo of the cards and a breakdown of their meaning within the context of your personal reading will be sent to you via email within three working days of purchase, in ONE of the following formats: written PDF document, audio recording, pre-recorded video.